Our Statement of Capabilities in SMEs Consultancy and Training
First: Development consultancy under USAID project
As the sole Egyptian subcontractor on the consortium implemented USAID-funded Egypt’s Competitiveness Program (ECP), Developers for Training and Consultancy (DTC) long-term and short-term Egyptian consultants have conducted and/or participated, with short-term expatriate advisers, in many activities towards the SMEs development:
- Working with Governmental Counterparts:
- For the Social Fund for Development (SFD)
- Conducted as assessment of the existing six business incubators funded by SFD and developed a strategy for development of SFD business incubation sector including fixing problems identified with the existing incubators and developing standards and procedures for SFD future engagement in funding new incubators.
- Provided technical assistance in building capacity of SFD business incubators program and building capacity of incubators management.
- Conducted a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of establishing a new business incubator in Abo Rawash, Giza. ECP advised SFD not to pursue this initiative for not-proven feasibility.
- Conducted a market assessment (demand and supply sides) of the Business Development Services (BDS) in four governorates (Alexandria, Sharkia, Port Said and Minya) based on field surveys.
- Conducted an assessment of SFD internal capacity for provision of BDS either as a facilitator or as a direct service provider. Assessment covered SFD BDS Sector at Head Office in Cairo and BDS Officers in SFD Regional Offices in the above-mentioned governorates.
- Developed a strategy and implementation action plan for SFD BDS.
- Assessed SFD existing M&E system and give recommendations for a comprehensive new system.
- Conducted and presented to SFD a study of the structure, programs and services of the US Small Business Administration (SBA)
- Conducted and presented to SFD a research on US SBA-type of activities in the countries of Malaysia, Turkey, Brazil, and Chile related to support SMEs.
- Coordinated with SFD the initial steps for developing a national strategy for the SMEs development. Those steps included: 1) reviewing and assessment of prior effort to develop sectorial strategies, 2) soliciting feedback from stakeholders (government, banks, MFIs, business associations, donors and development partners) on the need for developing a national strategy, 3) Solicited input to the national strategy from SMEs sector representatives, 4) developed a concept paper for the strategy development.
- For the Social Fund for Development (SFD)
- For the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI)
- Advised GAFI on structuring its SMEs private equity fund.
- Assessed and proposed incentives to transform micro and small business from informal to the formal sector. The recommendations were applied by the Government by issuing Law No. 101 of 2012 to amend the Income Tax Law to provide tax exemption to business transforming into the formal sector within 12 calendar months.
- Assessed capacity of GAFI Bedaya Center to provide business development services (BDS).
- For the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA)
- Reviewed and give recommendations to EFSA on its draft general rules of microfinance.
- Developed a training program for SMEs listing and trading on Nilex.
- Working with Private-sector:
- Conducted advocacy sessions for 115 professionals representing 74 SMEs association/organizations in seven governorates (Alexandria, Minya, Assuit, Sohag, Port Said, Sharkia and Cairo) as input to the national strategy to solicit input to the SMEs national strategy.
- Trained more than 120 SMEs members of business associations in seven governorates in financial management and access to finance.
- Trained 31 professionals in business incubation management.
- Mobilized 17 professionals representing 13 business incubation programs/organizations supporting entrepreneurs and start-ups to discuss formation of Egyptian Network of Business Incubation.
- Developed SMEs Guide for Business Establishment and Licensing in industrial activities. 4,500 copies were distributed to investors in 10 governorates and industrial cities through IDA offices, business associations, and Chamber of Commerce.
- Developed SMEs Guide for Business Establishment and Licensing in tourism activities. 3,000 copies were distributed to small investors through Ministry of Tourism in governorates.
- Developed SMEs Guide for Access to Finance. 5,000 copies were distributed to small investors in 7 governorates.
- Assessed capacity of five organizations (Egypt Business Women 21, ABA, EBDA Cairo, EBDA Alex and AUC) to provide business development services (BDS)
- Assessed capacity of two organizations (AUC and EBDA Association) to establish and manage business incubators.
- Working directly with USAID:
- At the request of USAID Egypt a comprehensive assessment of all major micro finance institutions (MFI’s) was performed to determine how the MFIs were affected after the January 25, 2011 Revolution
- Supported USAID in concluding a $17 million (revolving to $34 million) Development Credit Authority (DCA) with HSBC for SMEs lending.
Second: Development consultancy under EBRD
DTC is a registered consulting service provider under EBRD Business Advisory Services (BAS) program. BAS target is to provide SMEs with exposure to local advisory services by assisting in defining advisory needs, developing scope of services, selecting advisor, contracting the advisor, monitoring advisor’s performance and deliverables. BAS support advisory services up to EUR 10,000 for 3-6 months by reimbursing the SME 50%-75% of the advisor’s paid fees. DTC is working right now on assessing the needs of two SMEs to propose them to EBRD BAS.
Third: Commercial consultancy
DTC service SMEs on commercial basis, as well. Examples of services provided:
- Conducting a market analysis for an entrepreneur to get a Swiss franchise for high-quality laundering and dry cleaning service shops.
- Conducting a due diligence for an acquisition of a small pharmaceutical factory in Borg Al Arab Industrial City by a medium pharmaceutical company in Alexandria.
- Conducting business valuation of a small tourism company in Cairo for a potential acquisition by a medium tourism company in Alexandria.
- Conducting a feasibility study for establishing a 4-star hotel in Hurgada.
Fourth: Teaming up with the Association of Accredited Small Business Consultants (AASBC), USA
- AASBC is the only International association providing specialized know-how, training and certification to SMEs and those consulting/working with SMEs whether private sector, donors, government bodies, BDS centers or NGOS. DTC has become the MENA chapter for AASBC. DTC covers the following countries: Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen (Applicable Countries).